Apparently Nablopomo bloggers get a pseudo-pass on Wednesdays as long as they post some photos.  Cool.

I’m still smarting a bit from the “official” move out this week.  So in an attempt to stay positive and in love with LBI, I have turned my attention to holiday decorating using a beach theme.  I continually add to my list of reasons to love living here, and here’s the latest:


 Everything on the tree is handmade or straight from nature.  The majority of it comes from up the street, at my favorite “shop”–the beach.  The end result (it’s still a work in progress–hope to finish before next Christmas) will be our least expensive and most beautiful Christmas tree yet. 





I’m working on some garland for the mantle, and the girls are making some “snowflakes” with pipe cleaners and tri-beads. 

Christmas at the shore is shaping up to be one of the best ones ever.